Tag Archive for: Marine debris

Building a global observing system for marine debris: the IMDOS initiative
The marine pollution problem may have only started in the 1950s, but it is already impacting every part of our ocean. Now, by harmonizing data, standardizing monitoring methods, leveraging technology, and harnessing the power of a global community, the newly created Integrated Marine Debris Observing System aims to support and strengthen marine debris research.

7th International Marine Debris Conference
18-23 Sept 2022
Busan, Republic of Korea

UN Ocean Conference side event on Marine Litter Monitoring to Inform Action
In the backdrop of the UN Ocean Conference 2022 in Lisbon, GEO Blue Planet together with the Atlantic International Research (AIR) Centre, the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the UNEP Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML) organised an event to promote international action on monitoring marine litter.

GEO Symposium 2021
More than 100 organisations joined GEO’s annual symposium to strengthen partnerships and advance Earth observations that effectively contribute to the Ocean Decade.

Marine Debris and Sargassum side events at All-Atlantic 2021 Conference
The GEO Blue Planet EU Office was part of an event that gathered high-level representatives and marine stakeholders to advance R&I cooperation for a sustainable Atlantic Ocean.
Tag Archive for: Marine debris

IMDOS 1st Steering Committee Meeting
GEO Blue Planet is convening the first meeting of the Steering…

International Marine Debris Data Harmonization Workshop
Yokohama, Japan

Integrating Marine Litter Monitoring For Informed Action
In the backdrop of the UN Ocean Conference 2022 in Lisbon, GEO…