Save the Date for “Our Coastal Futures” Conference 2020
We are very excited to invite you to save the date for Our Coastal Futures – the next Future Earth Coasts Open Science Conference, which will take place 19-22 October 2020 (with provisions for workshops until October 24) at Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Australia.
The conference is organised around interdisciplinary themes and seeks contributions from sciences, arts and humanities, policy and governance and has a strong emphasis on the contribution of Indigenous Knowledge.
Our Coastal Futures will be a transdisciplinary, multi-format international conference to share and generate knowledge and enable effective action.
Call for contributions is now open. We are seeking expressions of interest from diverse fields, geographies and people for the following presentation formats:
Please visit the website for further information on the formats and the submission form. Contributions close on the 6th January 2020.
Abstract submissions for oral presentations and posters will open on the 3rd February 2020. Further information will be released at the time of opening
This event is hosted by Future Earth Coasts, Future Earth Australia, Australian Academy of Sciences and Southern Cross University and supported by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.