Linking Data to Actions on Marine Debris for the Ocean Decade Workshop

The 3rd Workshop on “Linking Data to Actions on Marine Debris for the Ocean Decade” will take place on May 29-30, 2020 in Cascais, Portugal. This third Workshop builds on the previous two workshops (November 2018 – workshop on “Technologies for Observing and Monitoring Plastics in the Oceans” and December 2019 – workshop on “Marine Debris Indicators: What’s Next?”), both in Brest, France.

The workshop will summarize the outcomes of the case study on “Reducing Plastics in the Ocean within a Growing Global Economy: Understanding the Information Needs to Support Interventions” initiated at the 2019 workshop.

The goal will be to have a comprehensive overview of the information needed to inform action on marine debris, both in terms of reducing the flows of debris into the ocean, monitoring the amount and trajectory of debris in the ocean, and assessing the impacts of the debris on the marine biosphere and feedbacks into the humansphere.

The status of implementation of the Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS) will be reviewed and developments of means to link information to action will be discussed.
For more information and program, see

There will be no registration fee for the workshop, but for logistic reasons we require registration for your in person or remote participation at Note that this workspace provides a collaborative platform used in preparation of the workshop and during the workshop.

We are looking forward to work with you on addressing the mounting challenge of Marine Debris.
Best regards,
The program committee:
René Garello (IEEE OES/IMT Atlantique; Co-Chair)
Hans-Peter Plag (IEEE OES/ODU; Co-Chair)
Jillian Campbell (UNEP)
Emily Smail (GEO Blue Planet)
Jose Moutinho (Air Centre)


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