6th GEO Blue Planet Symposium
GEO Blue Planet held its 6th Symposium from October 31st– November 2nd 2023 in Seoul, Korea. These symposiums are designed to increase regional linkages, promoting linkages between stakeholders and the observing community and gathering community feedback on the focus of GEO Blue Planet activities.
Themed Digital Solutions for Sustainable Oceans, the GEO Blue Planet 6th Symposium was specifically geared towards improving GEO Blue Planet’s engagement with Asian nations to expand the Earth observation community of practice, strengthen local capacity and provide access to resources, tools, and services. The Korean symposium is scheduled to be held by establishing cooperative relationships with international organizations to enhance awareness of GEO Blue Planet in the Asia region.
This in-person event featured Plenary Sessions centered on the GEO Blue Planet Core Action Areas of Stakeholder Engagement, Cooperation, and Co-design and Capacity Development. Additionally, it included multiple sessions on Korean Marine Spatial Planning (K-MSP) and digital solutions, thematic workshops, and an interactive Symposium Forum.
Please visit the symposium archive page for more information: https://geoblueplanet.org/geo-blue-planet-6th-symposium-archive