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October 2023

6th GEO Blue Planet Symposium

GEO Blue Planet held its 6th Symposium from October 31st– November 2nd 2023 in Seoul, Korea. These symposiums are designed to increase regional linkages, promoting linkages between stakeholders and the observing community and gathering community feedback on the focus of GEO Blue Planet activities.   Themed Digital Solutions for Sustainable Oceans, the GEO Blue Planet […] ...
31 Oct - 02 Nov
All Day
Seoul, Republic of Korea
October 2022
July 2018

The 4th Blue Planet Symposium

We live on a Blue Planet, and Earth’s waters benefit many sectors of society. The future of our Blue Planet is increasingly dependent on the services delivered by marine and coastal waters. The conservation of these services relies on the advancement of effective, evidence-based decisions for sustainable development. The 4th GEO Blue Planet Symposium served […] ...
04 - 06 Jul
All Day
Convention Centre Pierre Baudis
31680, 11 Espl. Compans Caffarelli
May 2017

3rd GEO Blue Planet Symposium

The crucial role of the oceans in the Earth’s life-support system, on which the welfare of present and future generations depends, provided the overarching theme for the 3rd Blue Planet Symposium. The goal was to detail the state of knowledge and the monitoring, forecasting, and research requirements resulting from societal information needs in four main […] ...
31 May - 02 Jun
College Park
Maryland, USA
May 2015

2nd GEO Blue Planet Symposium

With six main components addressed the symposium particularly focused on linking observations to societal benefit areas, showcasing operational oceanography, enhancing user engagement, satellite observations in the Southern Hemisphere, links to freshwater aquatic systems, and Blue Economy. The event offered the opportunity for participants to become familiar with the full scope of the Blue Planet Task, […] ...
27 - 29 May
Cairns, Austrália
Cairns, Austrália
November 2012
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