AmeriGEO Week (August 19-23)
AmeriGEO Week 2019, August 19-23 in Lima, Peru, aims to bring the AmeriGEO community together to reflect on progress, plan for the future to meet the priority needs in the focus areas identified by the region as highest priority (Water, Agriculture, Disaster, and Biodiversity/Ecosystems) and to provide training in the use of Earth Observations. The training is intended for staff of government institutions and other decision makers in the region. After an opening Plenary session, experts in the areas of remote sensing and data management will provide six parallel training sessions throughout the week (all at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in Lima). The progress and planning meeting is open to the AmeriGEO community. The AmeriGEOSS Community Platform will be demonstrated to the community and feedback will be collected. We look forward to your participation!
The call for abstracts to be presented as posters during the Symposium is now open, with the deadline for submission on Tuesday, July 30th, 2018. Papers are being sought on diverse applications of EO for understanding and sustainably managing natural resources and the environment. Abstracts (max. 300 words) should be submitted by email to AmeriGEO Week Organizing Team: (;; ) with the subject: Abstract Submission. Submissions should address one [or more] of the following four GEO societal benefit areas, prioritized by the Americas Caucus country members: