The task is to develop case studies on the Earth Observation (EO) value chain on ocean and coastal related themes for the
EU4OceanObs, a project implemented by Mercator Ocean International, which facilitates the GEO Blue Planet European Coordination.From satellite and in situ observation, to monitoring and forecasting services, to data access and cloud services, to marine and coastal derived applications and services. The case studies will highlight the European Union’s contribution along the value chain, providing concrete examples of pan-European and European led initiatives, projects and services to address challenges and problems related to each theme.
Each case study will explore good practices to raise awareness for the essential role of ocean and coastal observations in responding to associated societal challenges. Identifying gaps in observation, monitoring and forecasting, and data access, the case studies also put forward recommendations to address these gaps.
Four case studies are to be developed for the following topics (applicants may apply for one or several topics):
- Sustainable fisheries management
- Arctic sea ice
- Eutrophication
- Marine litter
For more information please click here.